Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
kl 18:00 - 19:15
395 kr
Kl 16:00, kl 18:00, Kl 20:00
450 kr
Kl 15:00, kl 17:00, Kl 19:00
450 kr
For English tastings, book Tuesdays at 18:00 or Saturdays at 19:00. If we have English speaking guests on these times, they will be in English. Otherwise we will do the tasting in Swedish. For bigger groups and if you book the full tasting for 16 people we can always do the tasting in English.
Our tastings are very popular, if you cant book your day online the tour is unfortunately full.
If you book a tasting Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday you will get a discount of 15% on all food after the tasting during that day. Enjoy!